Seimag Productions

Song Details

Song Name : Steel Stella (Ride on Steel Track)

Singer : Seimag (feat Garrin)

Origin : Original Songs

Genre : Rock

Song Sample

Manuscript Sample

Steel Stella (Ride on Steel Track)

"Ride - on steel track
Ride - Steel Stella

Bright lights side shows fares have everything
Spend you money playing the machines
But if you want to make the party swing
Steel Stella is the fastest ride on steel track.

When we start you rolling round that bend
You climb a hill and there’s no use looking back
Stella takes you out of sight
The coasters Red and Yellow and the wheels are painted black.

Ride - on steel track
Ride - Steel Stella"......

Genre: Rock
Running time: 4min 24sec
Bitrate: 192kbps
Sample length: 47sec
Manuscript pages: 9

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